I'm preparing for Summer School, which I am working and the boys are attending, for the month of June.
I will be working one-on-one with a student that is autistic. Thankfully, it's a student I already know from my classroom, so he should be somewhat comfortable with me.
I'm getting together a bag of his favorite things, which consists of pipe cleaners (you should see the little people he can make with these things!), miscellaneous Lego pieces, my extra tablet loaded with games, and markers to draw his Lego people. I think we will be all set...at least for the first week! Haha!
I'm getting together a bag of his favorite things, which consists of pipe cleaners (you should see the little people he can make with these things!), miscellaneous Lego pieces, my extra tablet loaded with games, and markers to draw his Lego people. I think we will be all set...at least for the first week! Haha!
On Wednesday, we had the 2 older Martin kids over to play while their little brother came home from a stay at the hospital. All is well and he is feeling better. The boys enjoyed playing with them, and you can see they all loved ganging up and destroying the evil oldest child! Muahahaha!
Today we went to see the doctor again about Jake's arm. 2 more x-rays and a pediatric specialist's view and we are shocked to find out it isn't broken, even though hurting a week later still. We were all set to get a cast tomorrow and talking about waterproof liners. But the doc called back this afternoon and told us there isn't a break, just badly bruised. So we were relieved since we were looking at 6 weeks of no swimming, which is all they do in the summer. Especially when they were headed to stay the weekend with their grandparents, and the pool is ready!Jake has to leave the wrist guard on through the weekend, and if his wrist is still hurting next week, we will look into having bone scans done.
Well, we took a short break from packing for the weekend and the boys rode their bikes up and down the street.
This is Lucas' first time riding his new bike on our street after learning to ride, and buying this bike with all of his birthday money. A big thank you to his Aunt Elly and Uncle Randy, and to a few of his friends, who all gifted him enough to buy this bike. It's a 20" Mongoose with handle breaks, something new to Lucas!
And here we are at the Dealership, waiting for Papa to finish work and for Grandma to show up and take them all home. Ready to swim. Watch movies. Play outside. Play inside. And eat whatever they want. Spoiled much? Yes. :)
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